2018年12月14日 星期五
什麼情況下不需要申請醫療器材之仿單、標籤、外包裝的變更? 【發布日期:2013-05-07】
依據行政院衛生署89年2月2日衛署藥字第89006412號公告: 醫療器材之標籤、仿單或外盒變更,無需申請核准之項目(如附件(另開視窗)),自即日起凡符合本公告事項規定者,廠商得配合市場上需要,自行調整,不須向本部申請變更登記。
2018年12月5日 星期三
What should specification developer do according to FDA?
1. Follow part 820
Sec. 820.5 Quality system.
Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain a quality system that is appropriate for the specific medical device(s) designed or manufactured, and that meets the requirements of this part.
Sec. 820.3 Definitions. (o)Manufacturer means any person who designs, manufactures, fabricates, assembles, or processes a finished device. Manufacturer includes but is not limited to those who perform the functions of contract sterilization, installation, relabeling, remanufacturing, repacking, or specification development, and initial distributors of foreign entities performing these functions.
2. submit 510K
Who is Required to Submit a 510(k)
The FD&C Act and the 510(k) regulation (21 CFR 807) do not specify who must submit a 510(k). Instead, they specify which actions, such as introducing a device to the U.S. market, require a 510(k) submission.
The following four categories of parties must submit a 510(k) to the FDA:
Specification developers introducing a device to the U.S. market;
A specification developer develops the specifications for a finished device, but has the device manufactured under contract by another firm or entity. The specification developer submits the 510(k), not the contract manufacturer.
A specification developer develops the specifications for a finished device, but has the device manufactured under contract by another firm or entity. The specification developer submits the 510(k), not the contract manufacturer.
3. Registration and listing (part 807)
Specification Developer - Develops specifications for a device that is distributed under the establishment's own name but performs no manufacturing. This includes establishments that, in addition to developing specifications, also arrange for the manufacturing of devices labeled with another establishment’s name by a contract manufacturer.
4. Follow the MDR and report (part 803)
(l) Manufacturer means any person who manufactures, prepares, propagates, compounds, assembles, or processes a device by chemical, physical, biological, or other procedure. The term includes any person who either:
(1) Repackages or otherwise changes the container, wrapper, or labeling of a device in furtherance of the distribution of the device from the original place of manufacture;
(2) Initiates specifications for devices that are manufactured by a second party for subsequent distribution by the person initiating the specifications;
(3) Manufactures components or accessories that are devices that are ready to be used and are intended to be commercially distributed and intended to be used as is, or are processed by a licensed practitioner or other qualified person to meet the needs of a particular patient; or
(4) Is the U.S. agent of a foreign manufacturer.
5. Correction and removal (part 806)
Same scope with part 803
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